December 5

Gift 6

From Brave Leap Member

Alexandra Antok


Do you need a yummy, and playful time for you?

It’s my gift for you!
A Creative lightful meditation 
to light up your heart

Come join me in a playful and colorful meditation!
That will help you come back to your center, make space, quiet your mind, light up your heart and have access to your soul and creative spirit.

You only need a candle, a piece of paper or notebook, some paintings (watercolor or acrylic match perfect), and two or three brushes (different sizes).

This type of meditation is perfect if you looove colors, creative stuff and if you find that meditation is difficult for you
You will totally become addicted to that time FOR you to meet your creative spirit! 

(Watch the video below, click the Fullscreen on the bottom right for best view)

have a nice day


Alexandra Antok FemmeArcenciel
Spiritual and creative coach, art shaman, visionary



• Discover the Soul Magic Box and Get 10% giveback with the Coupon Code ADVENT


Alexandra Antok

Website  |  Facebook  |  Instagram  |  Youtube

Gift 7 (In Czech)

From Brave Leap Member

Anna Pokrupová

Toužíte po přirozeném porodu, ale nejste si jistá, jak to zvládnete?

Využijte 50% slevu na osobní konzultaci předporodní přípravy. Odstraňte strachy z porodu a naučte se zklidnit v náročných situacích. Vyberte si tu cestu k porodu, která je nejlepší právě pro vás a vaše miminko.

Získejte důvěru ve svou schopnost porodit a začněte komunikovat sebevědomě o svých potřebách. Prožijte porod s absolutní důvěrou v sama sebe.

Anna Pokrupová
Porod a mateřství s lehkostí


Anna Pokrupová
